Going beyond ESG by investing in genuine impact opportunities.
Investment Themes
We select profitable private companies and assets that address near to long-term environmental risks by generating positive outcomes. We concentrate on three themes, with a view to mitigate climate change, preserve natural resources and protect biodiversity:
Zero Carbon Economy
We focus on infrastructure assets, project developers, companies and solutions that enable a large scale transition to a zero carbon economy. We include energy production, distribution and storage, sustainable real estate, zero carbon transport, and natural carbon sinks such as oceans and soils.
Circular Economy
We select companies active in the resource efficiency, reuse and recycling areas for industrial and agricultural processes and goods production. We target companies that offer products and services to improve energy intensity and lower consumption of resources for existing assets and value chains.
Sustainable Living
We focus on companies offering products and services that are compatible with sustainable living standards. We target companies addressing large consumer markets and offering superior consumer experience combined with a strong sustainability proposition.
Investment Profile
Deal size
€5-25m ticket, not ruling out larger opportunities on a selected basis.
Primary focus on western Europe and opportunistically consider other geographies.
Deal type
Investing across capital structure (equity, mezzanine, debt) in expansion capital, buy-outs and infrastructure.
- Private Equity: invest from Series B onwards in small to mid-cap, post-revenues companies
- Infrastructure: invest in asset SPV at a development, pre-construction or operational stage, with contracted or merchant revenues, and in project developers .
Investment horizon
- Short-term (1-2 years) in arbitrage opportunities.
- Mid-term (3-5 years) in growth capital opportunities.
- Long-term (5+ years) in infrastructure opportunities.
Preference for strategic and financial exits.
Investment Principles
We operate according to the highest professional standards in the investment industry and in line with our Impact Investing Principles (“IIP”), which apply to:
Our firm
- We only advise on investments in private assets and companies that generate environmental benefits.
- Our ambitious goals go beyond typical ESG commitments.
- We endorse various international standards and take part in leading working groups on impact investing.
- Our staff adopt a sustainable lifestyle.
Our portfolio companies
- We contractually require investment companies to endorse and apply our IIP.
- We select investment opportunities based on a fundamental analysis which factors in financial profitability and environmental outcome assessment.
- As active shareholders, we work with management teams to create financial and environmental value.
- Clients benefit from an indepedent reporting of financial and extra-financial performance.
Our key stakeholders
- We seek long-term alignment of interests amongst key stakeholders, our clients and ourselves.
- We invite our key stakeholder to endorse and apply our IIP.

Building client-specific portfolios to achieve financial and environmental objectives.